Thursday, March 29, 2018

Catch up with established Tech

This list is written for a blended learning university that is going to offer a face to face experience for students to not only enhance learning but expose them to cultural, friendship, networking and sporting experience. It is a list of proven working technologies and pedagogies that represent the bread and butter of what should be on offer right now. I would argue should be considered Maslow hygiene factors.

Technologies · An LMS with courses with enrolled students and instructors. Should include learning materials, communications, formative assessment and a grade centre, online assignment submission
· Compulsory online presence policy for all courses, with due dates.
· Best practice course design principles.
· Online assignment marking
· Plagiarism detection system
· Discussion board
· 100% recorded lectures for didactic presentations *which typically might only be 30-50% of the course.
· Ability to pre-record lectures to free up class for active learning
· Soundproof recording booths for students and staff
· BYOD laptop policy
· Ubiquitous study space design standards that include (wireless, screens for BYOD laptops, power, a combination of cubicles and collaboration rooms.
· Ubiquitous classroom design standards that includes wireless, power for students, classroom control technology that includes central control panel for lighting and screes and visualising, recording, and lecture computer with apps including screen sharing from students)
· Electronic examination system – based on BYOD laptops
· Active learning technologies (e.g. polling tools) and group work collaboration for classrooms (co-editing tools and screen sharing tools) that run from BYOD laptops
· Video assignment system for student assessment
· An eportfolio system for reflections, work examples, and skills accreditation

o Include a few very high value seminars from academics and practitioners that is promoted to the public and can be attended in person or streamed. This is intended to improve community engagement, but also useful as a marketing tool.
o Include group learning activities that help simulate authentic work place activities. This will require the provision of more work-like collaboration environments.
o Includes regular formative assessment to maintain engagement and reduce cramming.
o Report to both students and coordinators on individual students progress (engagement analytics)          
o Include inquiry based learning
o Provide regular feedback in many forms including from: intelligent tutors; badges; written and audio feedback from coordinators or tutors.
o Assess students with authentic tasks            
o Authentic assessment     
o Link to employability experiences and skills
o Be vertically and horizontally integrated into programs   

Associated Elements
o Work placements
o Overseas exchange experiences    
o Very rich cultural, entertainment, social and sporting lifestyle.
o Creates students that are employable
o Commercial and industry collaborations on campus
o Predominantly students will love on campus

1 comment:

  1. Tracking employees is a very big challenge specially when they are working remotely. But thanks to remote Employee monitoring software. Just because of these tools, we can track their productivity very smoothly.
